Tuesday, 9 March 2010

Where the Hell Are We Jumping?

The title of this post refers to our blatant rip off of 'Where the Hell is Matt', us being S and Cl and I. Basically, whenever we go anywhere we haven't been before, we take a photo (usually several) of us jumping. That's pretty much it. But our plan is that somehow this project will grant us funding to travel the world, see loads of different places, and in each of them, to jump. We could even have a theme song, like 'Jump!' by Girls Aloud, or that jumping song in Glee when they do the mattress advert. We could try and do different style jumps in each place visited, and interview other jumpers, and learn the local culture in reference to jumping, and we could do a 'who's the oldest person we can find who wants to jump in our photos?' feature. This is going to make us famous one day, just you wait and see. If you have any more ideas with reference to our future jumping project let me know- i.e. who would you like to see jumping? We could try and get celebrities to jump, so if you are so inclined to tell me, which celebrity would you most like to see jumping, and why?

In other news, I did not get a snow day yesterday after all, and most of it has melted, but I am still blinking freeeezing. I'm not going out tonight, already have my PJs on and am chilling out at home, obviously, since I am writing in my blog- twice in 3 days, I may be getting better at this. I have just about gotten over my anger at one of my schools (where I was today) for not telling me they were bringing a new English teacher in. Well it's not quite like that. Basically I was told that for the three eldest classes (CM2, CM1, and CE2 CM1) there would be a high school English teacher coming to help bridge the gap between secondary (or college) and primary education. When this happened, I was to spend more time with the 5 younger classes (CE1/CE2, CP and the three Maternelle groups) but they weren't sure when she was coming. I said this was fine but could I please have at least a weeks notice because otherwise I would do unnecessary preparation for the older kids and not enough for the youngers, and was told 'of course!'. So I turn up the next week having prepared for all 8 classes and am told 'oh, we tried to call you last night, you're just doing the younger classes because the teacher was here last Thursday, so you can just spend extra time with them.' Ehhh great, so an attempted call the night before= a weeks notice. Not wanting to complain, I smiled and said 'yes of course that's fine but I haven't really prepared to spend longer with the little ones' and was told 'oh don't worry.' Eh, yeah right, don't worry, well it's not you that has to go unprepared to entertain a bunch of 3/4/5 year olds in a foreign language and underprepared for an amount of time which is frankly too long for their attention span. I coped, because I always have a few extra things up my sleeve for emergencies, but have to admit I was a bit (very) pissed off with the way it was handled. Moreover, in a few weeks it's the older kids 'Challenge Langues Vivantes' which is like a day of games and activities in English related to a theme- this year 'La Maison'. So I had prepared a four week plan of work which would get the kids up to date on the words for the rooms of the house, and objects in each room, which I was told at the start of the year would be what they'd need to know. And just when that four week plan was about to start, this new prof comes in, and I've seen what she's doing with them and it's nothing to do with the challenge. So in now 3 weeks I go with the kids to the Challenge and they will probably do very badly and not know anything and I will feel guilty even though it's not my fault. I'm pretty angry about this too as I was looking forward to the Challenge and now it's set to be a shambles I think. I did leave some of the stuff I prepared at the school today with a note for the English teacher explaining about the challenge, so fingers crossed she might cover it but it's out of my hands. To make matters worse, she goes on maternity leave in a couple of weeks and I'll be back with the kids again- so what the bloomin' heck is the point of that, a few weeks with her and then I'll have to work out all over again what they've been doing and retailor my lesson plans- the whole thing is a mess and just writing about it gets me annoyed.

But my anger is mostly dissipated by the fact that, while I'm only teaching the little kids, I can leave school nearly 2 hours earlier and get the earlier bus home, meaning getting back at 5 and not 6- score!

Well I'm off to skype with C- he comes in a week and a half, wayhey!!! :D Hopefully this current mood of writing frequent blog posts will continue, and I'll write again soon.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I've been catching up on your blogging. Glad to hear you're having a good time!

    p.s. I'd like to see the Queen jump.
