Thursday, 17 September 2009

Paperwork Overload

Eating: Champagne chocs... yum!
Listening to: You Don't Know Me (Ben Folds, Regina Spektor) love it :)

I am strangely happy today, despite the fact that I feel slightly crushed by an increasing mountain of paperwork. I won't bore you with the details of the various paperworks, but it seems every time I think I've sorted most of it, I find another 3 documents I need to sort out. Current minor crisis is that I didn't get my bank card. Apparently I forgot to tick a box on the application, and rather than just call me and ask or send it back to me, Nationwide decided to destroy it. That's right, they sent me a letter saying 'we have destroyed your application form'. I'm freaking out a little because even if I go in branch tomorrow, get a new application and send it off, is there realistically any chance of it being sorted out and sent back within a week? Because a week is all I have left from tomorrow, as I leave really early on Saturday 26th.

I'm excited and happy though cause my lovely tante from Nice is coming through to Avignon to help me get sorted for a couple of days. Not only will it be great to see her, but I think it will be such a help to have someone familiar with the French bureaucracy on my side! She has been phoning up trying to arrange appartment viewings for me but all the potential colocs want to wait til I'm in country, tant pis. At least I feel I am taking steps in the right direction.

I'm currently trying to clear out my student email because I know they shut it down at the end of September...

...Not much of a blog post as my boyfriend has come round so I want to spend as much time as possible with him before I go!


  1. Hey, Kirsti! FB tells me you're keeping a blog, hope you don't mind me "following" you :P

    See you on Monday :D !

  2. Hey! I don't mind at all, although it is just my vague, repetitive ramblings about France :P But hopefully by having a blog people are less likely to forget I exist while I'm gone!!
